Our 7th -9th Grade students are encouraged to participate in our new confirmation retreat program that is starting this year. We will gather for two retreats a year (one fall/early winter (Nov 17-19), the other spring/early summer (April 12-14). The dates are set by the parents in the program, and we look forward to this new way of deepening our relationships with each other and with God. We also will be headed to the Synod-wide Lock-In in the fall, as well as other occasional activities., Each gathering of our 7th-9th grade youth is a different opportunity to learn, to serve, to fellowship, and to grow. For more information about our confirmation program...check it out here. Also, for those students who are in 8th-12th grade at the Fall of 2023, they are invited to come to the 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. We will talk more about this in the fall! So check out our Facebook page for more details!